Breath Discovery Camp ™
The essential online breathing program.
Discover and experience how a personal breathing practice is essential to health and wellbeing on all levels of self.
Find out how your unique breathing patterns tells a story about you and reflects your life.
Reclaim your life. Master the breath.
Transformational BreathⓇ is a simple, profound process that uses a full circular breathing pattern to activate the most natural healing response. Constricted breathing patterns are opened up, the body is super-oxygenated, and “emotional baggage.” Is cleared, making room for a direct, joyful connection with the Source of all that is.
Online Breathwork Session
“My life reflects my choices.”
“Breathing is the one involuntary metabolic function that becomes voluntary the moment we choose to take the reins. This begins to explain why Transformational BreathⓇ ultimately leads to the experience of co-creating our lives consciously, instead of being the result of random thoughts and events. We can choose to be at the mercy of life, or we can choose to master it. Relax… choices and decisions are easy once you know how to access answers and energy through the “breath connection” If this sounds too good to be true… breathe. One-hour breath sessions with a Transformational BreathⓇ Facilitator will prepare you for self-breathing sessions in the future. When the breath is flowing as a perfect wave, life itself flows in a natural rhythm of grace and wisdom.
Response-Ability is a Joy!
The ability to respond instead of react to challenges is key to creating the life you want. In addition to the joy and satisfaction of living fully, clients report:
More physical and mental energy ·
Being less judgmental of circumstances
Feeling happy despite problems
Mental Clarity and focus
Vivid connectedness with God/Source
More joy in giving and receiving
Relief from emotional and physical pain
Freedom from addictions & compulsions
Easy access to answers for tough questions
Healthier more vibrant living
I am available for private one on one sessions and Transformational Breath groups.
About Lorna
Lorna Tobin is a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator, an advanced Reiki Practitioner with an Associates Degree in Human Services and a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Lorna also completed Certificates in Mindfulness Meditation and Addictions Counseling. Lorna spent over 20 years helping others heal through the fitness and health industry. She has been acknowledged for her work with several television interviews and articles. She has spent the last 10 years overcoming disabling injuries she sustained from a tragic car accident. She is a practitioner of Ashtanga yoga and completed world renowned teacher, Tim Miller’s Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in 2011. She traveled to India in 2012 and has studied with teachers Tim Feldman, Eddie Stern, Richard Freeman, Mary Tyler and Guy Donahaye.
Lorna brings a wealth of wisdom to her practice from her training and 20+ years’ experience. She brings a gentle, loving energy to her work providing clients with a safe, supportive environment.